
Baingan-Masala is a curry that can be taken with Rice or Chappati.

Brinjal (small size)                         : 6.
Groundnuts                                   : 1/2glass.
Chutney Dal                                  : 3/4glass.
Red-Chillies                                   : 2.
Salt                                                : 1/2spoon.
Turmeric                                        : a pinch.
Jeera (Cumin Seeds)                      : 1/2spoon.
Onion                                             : 1.
Peas (Mutter)                                 : 1/2glass.
Oil                                             : 3tablespoons.
Water                                        : 1glass.
Tomatoes                                  : 1.
Coriander                                  : 2stems.

Chop the Onion, Tomato & Coriander into small pieces. Cut the Brinjal into four-halves with removing its head. Take a pan,at a medium flame roast the Groundnuts until they changes its colour. Now remove the roasted Groundnuts from the pan and wait until it gets cooled. Add Oil into the pan at a medium flame. When the Oil gets heated,add the Brinjals into it. By covering the pan with a lid, cook it for 10 minutes. Now blend the Groundnuts,Chutney dal,Red-Chillies & Jeera into a fine powder. Add Onion pieces & half glass of Water into the blender and make a fine paste. After 10 minutes, the Brinjals in the pan starts changing its colour and turns into soft. Now add Tomato pieces & Peas into the Brinjals and cook it for 2 minutes. Now add that Masala paste(blended) ,Salt & Turmeric.You can also add half glass of Water and cover it with a lid. Cook it for another 5 minutes. Before switching off the stove,add the finely chopped Coriander. Baingan-Masala is ready to serve and eat.

Note: Cook the Baingan-Masala recipe at a medium flame with patience.

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