Dry-Fruits Laddoo.

Dry-Fruits Laddoo is a very easy & simple recipe to prepare.

Akrots (Walnuts)            : 1cup.
Pistachchios                    : 1cup.
Cashew nuts                   : 1/2 cup.
Almonds                          : 1 cup.
Ghee                              : 5 tablespoons.
 Sugar              :  2cups.
Water                             :  one & half cup.
Elaichi Powder                :  a pinch.
Milk(optional)                               : 1spoon.
First of all,Roast all the dry fruits separately  and  blend all the Dry-Fruits(Akrots, Pistachchios, Almonds & Cashew nuts) in a blender, until they become into a powder.  Now take a pan, add two cups of Sugar into it. Heat the pan at a medium flame on the stove. Pour one & half cups of water into the Sugar to make a syrup.  Wait until the syrup gets a little thick. Now by stirring properly add the Dry-Fruits powder into the Sugar syrup. Add, five  tablespoons of Ghee, a pinch of elaichi powder, one spoon of Milk into the mixture.  Stir regularly, until the mixture gets thick and leaves the pan. Now remove the mixture from the pan & start making Laddoos, before it gets cooled.  Now the laddoos are ready to serve and eat.

Note: Add the Dry-Fruits powder by stirring the syrup regularly, so that the lumps cannot be formed.

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